A Hotel Manager's Handbook: 189 Techniques for Achieving Exceptional Guest Satisfaction

Chuyên mục sách: Quản lý điều hành

Loại sách: Tài liệu miễn phí

Loại hình: Ebook

Người chia sẻ: Pham Anh Tu

189 Techniques for Achieving Exceptional Guest Satisfaction

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This book presents techniques that reflect the vast and varied experience of the authors. They have produced an array of highly effective guest satisfaction techniques from which even the most veteran hoteliers can learn and benefit. With this practical, easy-to-use book, there is no need to sift through pages of narratives in order to identify actionable tactics and strategies that can be applied at the property-level. The book presents one unique and actionable customer satisfaction technique on each page—a useful feature for busy managers.


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