500+ Tài Liệu Miễn Phí ngành khách sạn

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Tiếng Anh dịch vụ khách sạn - Chương 2: Tiếp đãi

Bộ sách "Tiếng Anh nghiệp vụ" sẽ lần lượt giới thiệu đến bạn đọc các từ vựng, câu nói thường gặp được phân loại theo chủ đề nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu học, đọc của từng độc giả.

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Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Giải pháp nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ bộ phận lễ tân - Khách sạn Palace Sài Gòn

Để thu hút được khách trong thời buổi cạnh tranh gay gắt như vậy, các khách sạn phải không ngừng nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ của mình trong mọi bộ phận và đặc biệt là nâng cao tính chuyên nghiệp trong bộ phận lễ tân-bộ mặt của khách sạn.

Miễn phí

The Guide to a Successful Restaurant Website

Cater to the savvy customer base of today, by optimally positioning your business website for smartphones and tablets.

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The Key To Successful Restaurant Marketing

Why are your customers making return visits to your restaurant? Believe it or not, it isn’t necessarily your food.

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Restaurant Opportunities and Small Business Loans for Women

Explore how women are changing the restaurant industry, and what challenges they still face today in financing, pay, and benefits.

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Restaurant Remodeling: Getting Your Front of House in Order

How remodeling your front of house - seating, lighting, walls, floors, soundproofing, and bathrooms - can generate more revenue.

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Social Media for Restaurants: 4 Hurdles to Overcome

Learn how to grasp the basics of today’s social media, get the timing right, find the right audience, and fine-tune your expectations.

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Building a Better Restaurant Staff Conflict and Diversity Management Tips

Is your employee handbook covering enough? Tips on conflict resolution, handling harassment, and how to talk to Millennials.

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Millennial Employees: How to Effectively Manage the Next Generation

Insider’s tips on best practices to effectively manage millennials and breaking down tension between workplace generations.

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Find Your Most Valuable Customer: Building Your Restaurant Marketing Plan

How new and repeat customers can impact your marketing plan and help you increase overall sales at your restaurant today.

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What's Your Restaurant Brand? How to Develop a Vision for Your Business

Are you doing all you can to differentiate yourself in the market? We walk through how to build your brand from the ground up.

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The Secret to Great Restaurant Design

Update your restaurant design, expand your space, and take your business to the next level with our exclusive restaurant remodeling tips.

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How to Get the Best Results from Your Restaurant Advertising

Focus on these three forms of restaurant advertising to get the highest returns on investment (ROI) on your budget.

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How to Hire the Best Restaurant Manager for Your Business

Trouble hiring? We walk through the process step-by-step, from writing a job description and reading resumes to how to set a salary.

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How to Use Restaurant Menu Design to Increase Your Sales

Four ways to make a great first impression on your customers, and bring in more sales, with an attractive menu design.

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Restaurant Marketing Strategies for Slow Times

Five restaurant marketing strategies to fill your revenue gap during the slow times, without impacting your core business.

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Choosing Restaurant Technology That Drives Profit for Your Business

We walk through what to look for in a new POS system, online reservations, shift scheduling tools, and inventory management systems.

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Restaurant Trends in 2018

What’s going to be hot — and not — in 2018 with restaurant operations, menu trends, and the state of the industry as a whole.

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What's Eating into Your Restaurant Profit (and How to Improve Your Cash Flow)

Think ahead about the expected costs, variable expenses, and employment requirements to keep your restaurant cash flow intact.

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Hire, Train, Retain, Discipline: Restaurant Management for Success

Hire, train, retain, discipline – inside tips on how to get the best resource for your restaurant and maintain a healthy bottomline.

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How to Hire the Perfect Restaurant Employees

Everything you need to get started hiring — from writing the perfect job description to what questions must be asked during an interview.

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Growing a Restaurant Profit Margin: How You Can Control Your Costs

Learn to control costs through smarter scheduling, inventory tracking and less food waste, better suppliers, and menu design.

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The Only 4 Ways to Increase Restaurant Sales

How can you increase new customers, repeat visits, ticket size, and table turns to generate higher sales for your restaurant?

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How to Increase Your Summer Restaurant Sales

June, July, and August can bring enormous opportunity to increase your summer restaurant sales if you plan ahead.

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How to Reduce Your Restaurant Labor Costs and Save Money

See how forecasting your labor costs can help drive smarter hiring, better training, and operational changes that promote efficiency.

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Restaurant Equipment: Keeping It Safe, Efficient, and Profitable

Do you have the right equipment in your back of house to run your restaurant in the most efficient and profitable way?

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Nghệ thuật câu like

Quyển sách không đánh đố người đọc bằng các lý thuyết xa rời thực tế, mà sử dụng ngôn ngữ hình tượng, gần gũi mà vô cùng thực tiễn. Bất cứ người đọc nào cũng sẽ cảm thấy tác giả đang cố gắng trò chuyện với mình.

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Sự thật về 100 thất bại thương hiệu lớn nhất của mọi thời đại

Con người học được nhiều điều bổ ích từ trong thất bại chứ không phải từ sự thành công. Cuốn sách này thực sự là một kho báu, và với nó, bạn sẽ tìm được những lời khuyên bổ ích.

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Thôi miên bằng ngôn từ

Nghệ thuật Thôi Miên Bằng Ngôn Từ là một công cụ cực mạnh. Những ai biết tận dụng nó sẽ nâng cao được khả năng giao tiếp và thuyết phục của bản thân, giúp tăng doanh số bán hàng...

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VTOS - Nghiệp vụ quản lý khách sạn nhỏ

Để quản lý một khách sạn hiệu quả đòi hỏi người quản lý phải có năng lực lãnh đạo, khả năng thuyết trình, khả năng thuyết phục… và khả năng chuyên sâu về nghề quản lý khách sạn. Bộ tài liệu tiêu chuẩn về Quản lý khách sạn vừa và nhỏ sẽ giúp bạn.

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