How to Buy and Run Your Own Hotel

Chuyên mục sách: Quản lý điều hành

Loại sách: Tài liệu miễn phí

Loại hình: Ebook

Người chia sẻ: Thich Tam Pham

This is a thoroughly 'hands-on' guide to opening a hotel, by an author who has been there, seen it and done it - and turned their own pipe dream into reality.

Miễn phí
It offers an A to Z of practical advice, from accounting to creating a website. It is full of advice for the aspiring or novice hotelier as well as those already in business and striving to meet customer expectations. AUTHOR BIOG: At the age of 45 Mark Lloyd, an events organizer, had had enough of working for other people. With his wife and family he moved from Watford to run his own hotel in Chipping Sodbury in Gloucestershire. He had no previous experience of the hotel industry. Eighteen months later he has a successful hotel - and no regrets.


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