Start Your Own Restaurant and More: Pizzeria, Cofeehouse, Deli, Bakery, Catering Business

Chuyên mục sách: Quản lý điều hành

Loại sách: Tài liệu miễn phí

Loại hình: Ebook

Người chia sẻ: Thich Tam Pham

So whether you decide to keep it simple with a sandwich-and-salad operation or make a splash with a four-star bistro, we've got the information you need to be a success.

Miễn phí
Americans spend more than $600 billion a year eating out. Busy consumers don't have the time or inclination to cook - they want tasty, nutritious meals without dishes to wash. More and more singles, working parents and seniors are demanding greater convenience and are turning to restaurants to fill that need. There's plenty of room for more food businesses, but for a successful startup you need more than just good recipes. You also need to know about planning, capitalization, inventory control, and payroll management.

Entrepreneur has compiled everything you need including how to evaluate the competition, how to research potential customers, the basics of setting up a kitchen, how to find a great location, how to leap over regulatory hurdles in the industry, and how to find the best people to staff your business.
Among the many topics covered are:
  • Set-up
  • Staffing
  • Permits
  • Marketing
  • Equipment
  • Inventory
  • Legal structure
  • Sanitation
  • Financial management
Fully updated with the newest trends in menu items, décor and themes, plus recent market statistics and forecasts. Interviews with successful eatery owners show how others have made their food business dreams come true.


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