Chuyên mục sách: Tài liệu & học thuật
Loại sách: Tài liệu miễn phí
Loại hình: Ebook
Người chia sẻ: honguyenthien099
Bộ tiêu chí du lịch xanh Quảng Nam ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số 3570 /QĐ-UBND ngày 04 tháng 12 năm 2021 của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Quảng Nam.
Miễn phí
This book has a skills-based approach and explains how emotional intelligence can be developed in tourism and hospitality students and employees.
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The topic of safety and security in the tourism industry is of vital importance globally.
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This comprehensive, accessible and engaging text is essential reading for all those seeking to study cruise operations management whether for academic or vocational reasons.
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Here is an insightful look into the great changes in the hospitality and tourism industry in China in recent years.
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Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry
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Foundations of Menu Planning guides readers through the menu planning process in the same order in which a professional menu planner conducts the process.
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Includes more than 4000 entries, with over 1000 of them new to this edition Profiles 100 outstanding personalities connected with travel, tourism and hospitality Describes 300 international and national organisations, with data from over 200 countries
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The key to the success of a company is their ability to co-ordinate the key supply chain i.e their key suppliers and suppliers of suppliers.
Miễn phí
Each chapter contains an example of best practice or a case study and concludes with a summary of lessons learned.
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The theme of the conference was "Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry".
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Readers will have a strong overview of the industry, where it fits into the broader world, the major issues and challenges in the field, and the many possible career paths that await them.
Heritage, Culture and Society contains the papers presented at the 3rd International Hospitality and Tourism Conference (IHTC2016) & 2nd International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT 2016), Bandung, Indonesia, 10―12 October 2016).
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