Hotel/ Restaurant Management Career Starter

Chuyên mục sách: Quản lý điều hành

Loại sách: Tài liệu miễn phí

Loại hình: Ebook

Người chia sẻ: Thich Tam Pham

Hotel/Restaurant Management will give you a great start toward a rewarding and challenging career as a hotel or restaurant manager.

Miễn phí
You'll learn what hotel and restaurant managers do, where they work, and what makes them successful. Also included are hiring trends and current salary information, sample job descriptions, and advice from current hotel and restaurant managers. This book explains the importance of training, shows exactly what kind of post secondary education is right for hotel managers. Further resources clarify all the possibilities for financing your education, including loans, scholarships, and grants. It also covers the job search process, while teaching you how to hone your job search skills. Plus, when you land the job of your dreams, you'll find proven ways to succeed in your new position.


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