We live our lives online.
With every old friend we keep in touch with
over Facebook and holiday season shopping
completed with a click of the button, it gets
harder to remember what it was like to not
have the Internet at our fingertips every
moment of the day. We make friends, go on
dates, run businesses, and publish books, all
with the aid of a world wide web connecting
us with people near and far. But restaurants and bars are not online chat rooms. You run
a real physical space that needs people to show up (or, at
the very least, place orders from) in order to survive, much
less thrive. The challenge becomes how to make the best
use of the virtual world to support your restaurant’s success
in the physical one. How do you reach customers online
and transition them into customers walking through your
doors and sitting down for a meal? Well, it’s not easy. But social media platforms like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and others are vehicles to reach out
beyond simple word of mouth — if you can jump past the
hurdles in your way. Ultimately, social media is not the endall-be-all
of your total marketing plan, but it is a great way
to engage potential and current clients in addition to your
other efforts.
MICHAEL DE KRETSER đã gắn bó với công việc PR trong suốt 35 năm - với 25 năm trong số đó là ở châu Á. Ông ấy cũng đồng thời là CEO của GO Communications Malaysia và là chủ tịch của GO Group với nhiều văn phòng đại diện ở Bangkok, Beijing, Cambodia, Colomb
“'Nghệ thuật lấy lòng khách hàng' của Michael Maher là cuốn sách mà những người làm kinh doanh bất động sản chuyên nghiệp không nên bỏ qua. Cuốn sách sẽ giúp bạn đạt được sự thành công trong lĩnh vực kinh doanh bất động sản mà không cần bất cứ dịch vụ quả
Hospitality Marketing: an introduction takes a unique approach to outlining marketing processes in the hospitality industry.Ideal for those new to the topic of marketing, this text contextualises the subject for the hospitality sector.
This handbook analyzes the main issues in the field of hospitality marketing by focusing on past, present and future challenges and trends from a multidisciplinary global perspective.
Provides a clear overview of the underlying theories of communication to help develop skills and contribute to effective marketing. Uses detailed and extensive international case studies, to illustrate the theories and show good practice.
Marketing in Tourism, Events and Food 2nd edition takes the reader through a logical examination of key marketing debates, theories and approaches and encourages them to explore their own thoughts, ideas and opinions.
The Seventh Edition of this popular book includes new and updated coverage of social media, destination tourism and other current industry trends, authentic industry cases, and hands-on application activities.
Công tác truyền thông – cổ động là một trong những hoạt động hết sức quan trọng trong hoạt động kinh doanh của khách sạn, là công cụ hỗ trợ đắc lực trong việc quảng bá hình ảnh, thương hiệu và thu hút khách giúp khách sạn đạt được mục tiêu kinh doanh.