[SOP] Intercontinental Group - Uniforms and Linen - New uniform request

Chuyên mục sách: Housekeeping

Loại sách: Tài liệu miễn phí

Loại hình: Tài liệu

Người chia sẻ: Thich Tam Pham

I expect all employees to be well dressed and their uniforms to be clean and well presented.

Miễn phí
Tag : SOP
Why is this task important for you and our guests?
1. I understand the reasons why a procedure for uniform collection must be in place.
2. I know how to get a new Uniform and linen.
3. I know where I can change my uniform.
4. I know well groomed employees enhance the image of a hotel.
5. I can show my professionalism.


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